You have only seconds to impress a potential buyer as a seller.
Your ‘street scene’ is often forgotten about but is the first thing you should think about when you are a seller.
Spend some time to look at your property from the other side of the street – does it look inviting? Do you need to move your recycling bins out of sight for example? Could you add a splash of colour with some bedding plants? In the past I have politely asked the owners of a neighbouring property whether I could cut their grass too. On one occasion I even arranged for the disposal of an old unsightly caravan!
Just cleaning the window frames, fascias, soffits and guttering of a property can make a huge difference.
Inside the property, look at de-cluttering each room. Why not consider that you are moving now – if there’s something lying around ask yourself whether you intend on keeping that item? If not, throw it away or recycle it now. If you will be taking it with you but don’t intend on using it now then place it in the loft or the garage.
There are always those little jobs that you never got round to doing. A buyer will spot these straight away, the same way you would if you were looking at buying a property. Create a ‘snagging list’ and satisfyingly tick them off one at a time. Don’t let this list become the reason why a buyer will try to knock you down on price or even decide not to buy the property at all.
Just a few small changes can make all the difference but be careful not to fall in love with your property again and then decide not to move. It’s been known to happen!