There is much excitement in the office today and especially for all of our landlords that will benefit greatly from this new marketing strategy.
Very shortly our landlords will benefit from their ‘property to let’ being added to the Facebook Marketplace platform.
We have been waiting for this opportunity for a while and thanks to Zoopla and our landlords will be able to reach so many more prospective tenants.
‘We have always remained tuned into digital marketing because, without a doubt, buyers and tenants are searching for their next property and home on their mobiles, tablets and PC’s 24 hours a day.’ said Paul Campbell.
‘It is so important to me to reach as many buyers and tenants as possible to achieve the best price for our clients’
It won’t be long before we can add property For Sale as well.
This service will not be available to every estate agent and property manager, only those in partnership with Zoopla and
So if you are thinking of letting your property anywhere in the UK make sure you choose your agent carefully.