Are you not happy with the way your local Estate Agents sell properties in your area?
Their Bill Is Too High
You Are Not Satisfied With The Service Provided
Your Property Has Been On The Market For Longer Than Expected
We get a lot of customers approach us with these problems and we can help you too.
“If only I had a Campbells in my town.” is something that has been said to us on numerous occasions.
– We’ve heard this said so many times so we have done something about it!
This is a specific service for people who are knowledgeable of the Campbells proven sales methods and may have tried an agent in their local area or having read Paul’s book and done a bit of research, have decided that there must be another way.

We started doing this for friends and family and we’ve sold and rented properties in Newcastle, New Forest, Kettering, Northampton, Rugby, Lincoln, Orkney Islands, Milton Keynes to name but a few.
If we’re being honest, we were surprised at the success of this service. We thought that as we weren’t the ‘local agent’ then we would encounter problems selling property – but this really hasn’t been an issue at all.
The key is internet marketing – effectively displaying the property and providing the support to the seller.
5 Steps We Take To Sell Your Property World Wide.
1. Decide that you are serious about selling!
2. Talk to a member of our team and tell them what you are trying to achieve.
3. Take a bit of time to carry out some research concerning the asking price and your target audience – don’t worry, we can help you with this bit.
4. Have a think about some content for our marketing material, both for the internet and newspaper (don’t worry, we’ll give you a set of guidelines on how to do this or we can come and do it for you – we don’t mind travelling).
5. We’ll offer your property for sale to the worldwide web (we’re brilliant at this bit) take a look at our internet partners – there are over 25 sites where we’ll advertise your property.

”“The idea that you have to sell your house with a local agent is simply not true. Don’t get me wrong, if you can find a local agent that is friendly, professional and has all of the tools that Campbells have, then there’s no reason why you shouldn’t use them, but, from our experience this isn’t the case”
Paul CampbellManaging Director
Together, once we have administered these five steps, we will do the rest.
We’ll administrate and organise all of your viewings and take care of the follow ups – so don’t worry about that bit. Don’t worry about negotiating the actual sale price because we’ll do this bit for you too. The point is, that whilst you may feel it’s convenient, you don’t have to live down the road from one of our offices to sell your property through us.
We know from experience that our sellers and buyers don’t visit our offices in person as with today’s technology there really is no need.